Supracondylar Osteotomy of the Femur with Triangular Bone Flap to Treat Severe Genu Valgum 股骨髁上带三角骨瓣截骨术治疗严重膝外翻
Behind a talus congenital triangular bone might not have existed which is possible free bone fragment of the fracture of astragalar tail. 距骨后先天性三角骨不一定存在,可能是距骨尾骨折远端未愈合的游离骨块。
LVA displayed three features on CT: ( 1) Significant enlarged vestibular aqueduct demonstrated a large, deep and well demarcated triangular bony defect on the posterior surface of the petrous bone. LVA的CT特点:(1)表现为岩骨后缘深大三角形明显骨缺损影者最为多见;